Trust, Speed and Accuracy - these are the three pillars that we have built our business on.
You can always rely on us to deliver what we committed to, quickly and correctly, each time, whether it is payment to your sub‐contractor, delivering lien releases or answering questions about funds documentation.
End result is we enable you to focus on what you do the best, whether it is finding more projects, originating more loans or building quality construction quickly and cost-effectively.
Our founders have combined 50+ years of industry experience with trusted firms in the industry, including one of the top-4 accounting firms, the most prestigious investment bank and a market leader in the wealth management space. They have been real estate developers and builders themselves, and have first-hand experience in payments and fund control. With the aim of modernizing the process, they assembled a highly skilled team with deep expertise in fintech, process innovation and human-machine interaction. We understand your pain because we have been there ourselves.
Our core process decouples the information flow from the funds flow in the disbursement process, through use of eVouchers. This removes the need for the builder to play intermediary role in moving funds, while retaining control over payments to subs. We orchestrate movement of funds and payment-related paperwork directly to and from the final service provider. We free you from non-revenue-producing tasks, helping focus your time and energy on what you do the best, whether it is finding more projects, originating more loans or building quality construction quickly and cost-effectively.
Our modern, innovative technology platform is built ground-up, free from constraints of legacy software. We have taken full advantage of latest developments, including mobile infrastructure, communications and eSignature acceptance to bring you a very intuitive, easy-to-use and seamless experience at your fingertips. It captures real-time information at highly granular level and integrates seamlessly into your own systems to import or export data. Our development team is constantly experimenting with new ideas and ways to improve your experience and needs, keeping you ahead of the pack.
We significantly reduce risk exposure to all parties involved, with our singular focus on fund control process and specialization. Project owners and developers are no longer dependent on the builder for managing payments to the sub-contractors and vendors. They have the reassurance that funds are used only for the intended project and line items. Builders no longer need to worry about working capital, or keep hounding sub-contractors for lien releases and W-9’s. Neither do they have to worry about tax-related paperwork, such as 1099’s. The sub-contractors and materials vendors no longer have to worry about payments, since we hold funds protected in escrow on their behalf, away from project creditors.
We save time and reduce risk not just for you, but for your key partners as well in the construction endeavor. Builders can attract talented sub-contractors with our prompt, effortless and assured payments. Banks and lenders will attract skilled loan officers, who see their productivity soar and commissions rise as they are freed from inspection load and negative interactions. Project owners and REITs will attract quality builders who find it easy to focus on the construction aspects, freed from working capital worries, payment paperwork and see improved relationship with their sub-contractors. We ensure a win-win situation for all!
We save not just your time, but your energy as well by taking away non-core, administrative tasks in your business, while assuring that you retain control over key aspects. You can deploy this newfound time and energy on your core business to drive growth and profitability, or go on that well-earned vacation you always wanted to take.